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[Dream Interpretation] Summary of dreams presented in front of people

by 웰빙원 2022. 6. 2.

A summary of dreams presented in front of people!



I woke up this morning, and there were images running through my head.


It's the moment I remember the dream I had. The dream I had this time had a dream of presenting in front of people.


It was a dream in which four people would come out and talk about their feelings like a group presentation in a university lecture hall.


Today, we learned about the dream of presenting in front of people.



A summary of dreams presented in front of people!

I found out about the dream of giving a speech . 



1. Hearing  another person speaking in a dream     

It means that you will be attending a meeting , etc. on behalf of a certain group or group .            

Through this , you can accomplish great things and receive praise and encouragement from many people .        



2.  Dream of giving a speech in front of a large crowd     

It is a sign that you will actually be giving a speech or presentation in front of other people .          



3.  Dreamaspeech totheilliterate    

If a merchant or businessman dreams of such a dream, it is a sign that his or her business or business will be in trouble .             




A summary of dreams presented in front of people!


 Dreamseeingateacher orprofessorgiving a lecture     

It is a sign that you will be expected to attend certain meetings or lectures .          



 Dreamaspeech attop of a mountain whereno onethere     

It is a sign that you will do things that will surprise others .        

You get to do things on your own that will surprise the world .        



6.  Dreaming of being speechless _    

What you are doing or what you want to do runs into difficulties       

It is a sign that you will have difficulties such as stopping .      



 A dream in which the crowd gathered in the middle of a speech dispersed       

No matter what you do , there are many people who will agree with or help you with your opinions and plans.          

It is a sign that your will will come to pass I can handle anything with ease, so it's time to put the plan into action.   

The dream of giving a speech at the top of a mountain where no one is

It can be said to be a dream in which you can easily handle surprising things by yourself and receive great glory .



8.  A dream in which a crowd continues to gather while giving a speech     

What you are doing or want to do , business , etc.        

It is a sign that you will be in trouble because it is not resolved .     




A summary of dreams presented in front of people!


 Adreamyou made a gestureofagreement, such as agoodor OK signduring aspeech orconversation          

In reality, it is a sign that you will be satisfied with something you are doing .        



 Dreamyouwent uppodiumaspeech     

If you are going to announce a plan, work , etc., or follow yourself        

It is a sign that people will gather to increase their power .       







11.  Dream of speaking in front of a large number of people or reading a speech      

There will be times when you will join an organization or organization , or announce something related to you to the world .             

You persuade or make others follow you according to your own thoughts or a lot of your own thoughts          

You will have to present something in front of people If you did not read the speech you prepared in your dream ,           

If there are unavoidable circumstances , you may not be able to convey your opinion to others , or          

There will be times when you will feel the limits of your abilities , etc.       



12.  A dream in which many people are dozing while listening to his speech       

There will come a time when you will make a mental and  emotional change for the people of the world .        



A summary of dreams presented in front of people!



13.  Dream of doing something that you like or expressing positive emotions during a speech        

You feel a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction in what you do .     



14.  Hearing other people speaking or hearing the speech and  applauding or applauding yourself          

To engage in a project with another person or to accept an offer from another person .            



Dreams of speeches and  presentations are sometimes interpreted slightly differently .      










Today we learned about the dream to announce.

I hope today will be a proud day in front of everyone ^^


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