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[Dream Interpretation] Taekwondo dream, Taekwondo winning dream, Taekwondo match dream summary

by 웰빙원 2022. 6. 4.

[Dream Interpretation] Taekwondo dream, Taekwondo winning dream, Taekwondo match dream summary

[Dream Interpretation] Taekwondo dream, Taekwondo winning dream, Taekwondo match dream summary



1. Dream of seeing a playground, baseball field, gym, etc.

It is assumed that the scene of an incident, an institution, a place of business, the space of a newspaper or magazine, etc.




2. Dream in which you attack your opponent in a dream such as Taekwondo

It refers to trying to hide or get rid of realistic fear or anxiety.



[Dream Interpretation] Taekwondo dream, Taekwondo winning dream, Taekwondo match dream summary



3. Dream of doing Taekwondo with the other person

There will be times when you will compete with someone with abilities equal to yours.




4. Dream of winning Taekwondo or competition

You will successfully complete your work, and you will experience the fulfillment of wishes.



[Dream Interpretation] Taekwondo dream, Taekwondo winning dream, Taekwondo match dream summary


5. Dream of seeing Taekwondo

This dream may indicate quarrels among friends. And that can lead to tangled relationships with people around you. Your role can grow.




6. Dream of winning in Taekwondo, competition, etc.

Success, fulfillment of wishes, fulfillment of work satisfactorily.




[Dream Interpretation] Taekwondo dream, Taekwondo winning dream, Taekwondo match dream summary


7. A dream in which a soldier and a police officer practice Taekwondo with each other

You will get into an argument or be rude about a certain job or work.
