[Lucid Dream] What is a lucid dream? The meaning, methods and examples of lucid dreaming
**What is a lucid dream?**
A dream in which the sleeping person perceives that it is a dream is called a ' lucid dream ' .
" You could say REM sleep is like a neglected resource, " said Benjamin Baird , Ph.D. , a cognitive researcher at the University of Wisconsin - Madison . , questioned what it would be like to be able to decide what to do . He said , “REM sleep is a form of entertainment, creative problem solving , research on the working structure of memory , And it has potential for use in all sorts of different neurosciences . ” REM sleep is so named because it means ' Rapid Eye Movement ' when you dream while you are sleeping , but lucid dreaming is usually experienced during REM sleep .
Researchers such as Professor Martin Dresler , a cognitive neurologist at Radboud University in the Netherlands , claim that lucid dreams can also help overcome clinical obstacles such as recurrent nightmares or ' post -traumatic stress disorder ' (PTS) . "It 's intuitive and plausible that if you realize that it 's not real while you 're having a nightmare, it will definitely reduce the pain it causes ," Dressler said . said . But to do that, you 'll have to train yourself to overcome the vivid emotions of fear and fear by waking up and stopping the dream, or by reminding yourself that a nightmare is a dream if it isn't .
The word 'lucid dream' was first used in 1913 by Dutch psychiatrist Frederik Van Eeden in a treatise describing the experience of dreaming of insight . This phenomenon was first scientifically demonstrated in the late 1970s and 1980s by Stanford University psychologist Stephen LaBerge . Scientists have found that when a person dreams for a long time , the sleeper's eyes move in the same direction as the gaze . They knew they were moving , but in a 1981 study conducted by Larbor , lucid dreamers pointed out where to look while dreaming . For example , you were told to look up and down ten times in a row , or six times from left to right, and so on . Then he observed their eye movements during sleep . As a result , lucid dreamers have control over the background of their dreams. Not only that, but I also learned that I can put the decisions I had outlined in my dreams into action after waking up . Eye movement is now an important standard technique researchers use in the lab to objectively verify lucid dreaming states .
So far , there has been only one study of magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for lucid dreaming, a study conducted by Dutch neuroscientist Dressler in 2012 . Based on the observations made at the time , Dressler believes that lucid dreaming further activates the frontpolar cortex , which is involved in the ' metacognition ' process . 'Higher cognition' means knowing what you know and what It refers to the awareness of knowledge and thinking, such as ignorance . Dressler also finished a study in 2015 showing that people with frequent lucid dreamers have more gray matter in the prefrontal cortex . _ Gray matter is a place where nerve cells are gathered in the central nervous system ( brain and spinal cord ) of vertebrates, and it is a gray-white part when the tissue of the central nervous system is observed with the naked eye .
Researchers like Baird and Dressler lament that institutions generally do n't see even spending $ 500 an hour on fMRI machines to monitor people with lucid dreaming as a worthwhile investment . However, they are encouraged by the general growing interest in dream research in recent years . This interest, in particular , is that the lockdown due to COVID - 19 in 2020 is our dream. It 's even bigger with studies suggesting it 's having a strange effect .
**How to have a lucid dream**
Here are some methods scientists often use to achieve lucid dreams .
**One. Remember your dreams **
To have a lucid dream, you need to be more conscious of your dreams overall . Start keeping a dream journal . As soon as you wake up, write down in your journal the details of your dream .
**2. Set your goals **
Researchers by Baird et al . argue that ' mindfulness' , focusing more on the present moment , is the key to lucid dreaming . If you consciously focus on your desire to have a lucid dream the moment you fall asleep , it can help you achieve a lucid dream .
**3. Make sure it's real **
In the movie < Inception > , the main character Cobb ( Leonardo DiCaprio ) uses a top - shaped 'totem' to distinguish whether the current situation is a dream or reality . Laverge et al have found this method to be of some use . There are several ways to see if this is real or not, such as turning the fluorescent light on and off while awake to see if it works properly . Then this is the dream habit could be _ _
**4. Meditate **
I started having lucid dreams when I meditated for a few minutes each day around the age of 15 . Although several studies have found a correlation between meditation and lucid dreaming , the relationship between the two is still unclear .
**5. Get a new experience **
One thing in common among lucid dreamers is that they want to try new things . This means that the best changes possible for you have more to do with your daily life than with sleep itself . try something new _ Be more curious about your surroundings . _ Then see if you can actively try to dream .
**Case of Dream Awakening**
**One. Kekule solved the benzene structure **
In the 1860s , people were unaware of what the structure of benzene looked like . At that time , the chemical formula of benzene was known as C6H6 , but the structure was not known . Kekule , a scholar and teacher, fell asleep by the stove one day while writing his textbook . From his dream came a snake that turned and bit off his own tail . biting his own tail in his dream Seeing the snake curled up in a circle , he immediately woke up and started drawing the snake he had seen in his dream in his notebook . Then, he substituted the benzene structural formula he was thinking about one by one . As a result , it was possible to create a ring-like pattern in which a snake biting its own tail, taking one step further from the chain structure .
**2. Harvard Barrett 's Contemplation Experiment **
Professor Barrett of Harvard University tested with students whether lucid dreaming helped them solve problems . She gave the students a problem and gave them a task to solve the problem in their dreams on their own . About half of the students had a dream, and a quarter of them reported that they had solved their problems .
As an example of anxiety , he was worried about whether to go to graduate school in Massachusetts or California , but in a dream he had a dream that the plane he was riding in caused an engine failure and made an emergency landing in Massachusetts .
**3. Effects of training in lucid dreaming **
Dr. Erlacher tested whether training to toss a coin in a lucid dream actually worked . In real life, training to toss a coin showed a 15% improvement in ability , but imagining the coin toss training in a lucid dream state actually resulted in an 8% improvement in ability.